Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Mozilla African reps in Nairobi
The long awaited Mozilla African reps meet-up finally came to life, and guess what, it happened, it was fun and it was simply great. A lot can be said to complement the organizers, the participants, the facilitators and all those who were involved because, they were all awesome and indeed the event was a success.  

Courtesy of the Mozilla Kenyan community, on the 16th of May, Mozilla representatives all across Sub- Saharan Africa assembled in Nairobi for a 2 day meet-up during which they had a thrilling discussion of Mozilla Africa now and in the future.

Following the lead of two brilliant individuals on the Mozilla Participation team i.e. Brian King @brianking and William Quiviger @wquiviger, the reps dived into a series of sessions that focused discussions around community work. Key to these discussions was a thorough SWOT analysis of the Mozilla African communities. Fundamentally, every single individual had a chance to point out at least a thing or two concerning Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within their respective communities as they were represented. Thereafter, a quick brainstorm around the opportunities and viable solutions to challenges was conducted in small groups of 5.
mozilla africa now and the future.

As day One came to a close, Brain and  
William and Brian
William (the facilitators) ran us through quite a lot about, the goals, the participation plan, the initiatives and the new approaches Mozilla has set as benchmarks for the year. 

Day Two was all about learning and sharing with one another, it all began with William’s illustration of the Reverse engineered Impact chain model [Impact-Outcome-Output-Activities-Input]. Right after, in groups of five, we applied the model to a case study about digital literacy in the Philippine. This was later then translated in the Opportunities within the African communities that we had gathered on  day One.

Till this point as you read along, you might wonder what was really exciting about the meet-up, We did not just spend 48 hours discussing Mozilla Africa now and its’ future but we had ample time to interact, adventure, eat, laugh and play together. There were times when fun was at its’ climax.

Mozillians dining
Reps on the dance floor

It was great to finally have the Mozilla African leaders who champion the mission of turning the internet into a global resource accessible to all meet, interact, share and learn from one another. And most importantly, the meet played a significant role in uniting us as Mozillians and re-igniting the common goal of an Open and free web that we all wish to attain. #mozafrica


  1. Hi Michael this is really a worth reading blogpost.......thanks for sharing
